Los cercos removibles fueron creados en los Estados Unidos hace más de 30 años a raíz de los elevados índices de mortalidad infantil por ahogamiento o asfixia por inmersión en piletas de natación, con el objetivo de brindar una mayor protección a bebés, chicos y mascotas.
Los cercos tradicionales (tanto los rígidos como los de alambrado) conllevan el riesgo de que los niños los puedan saltar o traspasar e incluso trepar, que sus puertas queden entreabiertas o tengan de cierres que ellos puedan aprender a abrir, además del riesgo de electrocución, cortes con materiales oxidados o politraumatismos si se golpean contra ellos.

A residential swimming pool implies a serious risk for babies, toddlers and small children. A fence is proven to be the best approach to prevent drownings and near drownings in swimming pools.
Children under the age of 5 are the most vulnerable to this risks, for it only takes a few moments for an accident to occur and it goes easilly unnoticed.
1. If you don't find your children check the swimming pool FIRST, for time is critical.
2. Make sure the children can't access the pool area unsupervised.
3. They must always be supervised by an adult that can swim.
4. Teach you children how to swim early, that will make them more aware of their limitations.
5. Learn how to perform CPR, for it can drastically change the outcome of an accident.
6. When everybody watches the children, no one is really watching them. The role of supervisor must be expressly assigned and transfered.
7. Always carry a cordless to the pool or do not go inside the house to answer the phone, remember that it only takes a few moments of distraction for an accident to occur.
8. Do not leave any toys or attractive elements inside the pool area when it is not in use, for children will try to get them.
9. Keep the water transparent year round, so you can always see the bottom.
10. Install a safety fence that children can't open, climb or get across with a self closing and latching gate that swings outward.

por ser rígidos y tener puntos de apoyo

por ser rígidos y tener puntos de apoyo