Los cercos removibles fueron creados en los Estados Unidos hace más de 30 años a raíz de los elevados índices de mortalidad infantil por ahogamiento o asfixia por inmersión en piletas de natación, con el objetivo de brindar una mayor protección a bebés, chicos y mascotas.
Los cercos tradicionales (tanto los rígidos como los de alambrado) conllevan el riesgo de que los niños los puedan saltar o traspasar e incluso trepar, que sus puertas queden entreabiertas o tengan de cierres que ellos puedan aprender a abrir, además del riesgo de electrocución, cortes con materiales oxidados o politraumatismos si se golpean contra ellos.

BABYSECUR pool fences match any landscaping situation without obstructing views because of its transparency and colour selection.

altura 1 mt

altura 1 mt
Heights & Colours
We offer our fences in different heights (1 mt and 1,22 mt) and colours of mesh and posts so you can choose the combination that best matches the swimming pool surroundings:
Black post and black mesh,
Silver anodized post with either black, grey, forest
green or beige mesh
The mesh is 99% transparent so it allows to watch your children while in the swimming pool. It won't affect the garden views, as it happens with other fencing products..
Our pool fences can be adapted to any fencing situation, curves, height variations, inclines, etc. and can be reinstalled in case of changes in the layout, floor surface or even when the owner moves to a new home.
Every layout is made considering safety, convenience of use and landcaping concerns
Our installers will assist you determining the best layout.

BABYSECUR is a modular system. It can be removed partially or completely in very few moments. Each section has a maximum weight of under 5 kilos and storing it take about the same room as a golf bag.
Re-installing the fence takes about 1 minute for every 10 meters of fence.
In order to access the pool, you can open one or several sections which will give an opening 1 or 2 meters wide, which is up to 3 times what other fencing alternatives offer.
Since this openings permit to integrate the pool deck to the swimming pool very easily, this fence can be installed much closer to the swimming pool edge, which frees a lot of deck space for use year round while the pool is securely off limits for your children